Last night I met with my Anam Cara...

Also known as "Soul Friends", with whom I gather bi-monthly as part of my Celtic shamanic studies. We meet to journey for one another, support each other on our paths, and share things with each other we don't normally get to share with other people in our lives. This last bit got us talking about belonging and how much pain is caused in our lives by a feeling of dis-belonging. Often the feeling stemmed from loved ones intentionally or unintentionally ostracizing their shamanically-inclined family members for being "too much". Too much, too in touch with the web of life, too much living as a sovereign being, too much can be threatening to a modern way of living.

So we discussed our feelings of dis-belonging for a bit and decided to consult those who know most about belonging: the spirits of nature.

Our individual journeys held many thematic and moral parallels. Here is just a sampling of some of what was offered to us by the spirits:

Belonging will occur when one finds people they can truly trust.

Belonging is being able to enjoy pleasure separately and together.

One should see themself as more than the current understanding of Human to be in service to what is possible for humanity.

Everything in nature belongs just as it is.

The most important point seemed to be that belonging occurs when one is grounded. Grounded in nature, in their true soul, and in trusting relationships.

We left the meeting that night, feeling a sense of belonging to the earth, each other and ourselves. I thought I'd share these tidbits to encourage your own sense of belonging.

May the late summer sun shine softly upon your face.
<3 Mindy

Melinda Stock